Our World

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মস্তিষ্কে টিউমার ধরা পড়েছে ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেনের।

মস্তিষ্কে টিউমার ধরা পড়েছে ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেনের। সফল অস্ত্রোপচারে টিউমার সরিয়ে ফেলা গেলেও এখনো তিনি আশঙ্কামুক্ত নন
কাল সিঙ্গাপুর থেকে ফেরার পথে স্ত্রী চৈতির সঙ্গে মোশাররফ। ছবি: সংগৃহীতমস্তিষ্কের টিউমারে আক্রান্ত ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেন রুবেল কাল দেশে ফিরেছেন। সিঙ্গাপুরের মাউন্ট এলিজাবেথ হাসপাতালে ১৯ মার্চ তাঁর মস্তিষ্কে সফল অস্ত্রোপচার হলেও এখনো তিনি আশঙ্কামুক্ত নন।

মোশাররফের পারিবারিক সূত্রে জানা গেছে, আপাতত মস্তিষ্কের টিউমার অপসারণ করায় এখন বেশ ভালো আছেন। তাঁর স্ত্রী চৈতী ফারহানা প্রথম আলোকে বললেন, ‘এখন অবস্থা বেশ ভালো। হাঁটাচলা করতে পারছে। কিন্তু কথা এখনো ঠিকঠাক বলতে পারছে না। একটু বেধে বেধে যাচ্ছে। সেলাই কাটা হয়েছে। তবে আশঙ্কামুক্ত কি না, এখনো বলার সময় হয়নি।’

চৈতীর কাছেই জানা গেল, আরেকটু হলেই বিরাট সর্বনাশ হয়ে যেত বাংলাদেশের হয়ে পাঁচ ওয়ানডে খেলা মোশাররফের। ১১২ প্রথম শ্রেণির ম্যাচ খেলা ৩৭ বছর বয়সী বাঁহাতি স্পিনার গত বিপিএল থেকে মস্তিষ্কে নানা ধরনের সমস্যা অনুভব করছিলেন। কিন্তু নিশ্চিত হতে পারছিলেন না, তাঁর আসলে কী হয়েছে। তিন-চার মাস বাংলাদেশের বেশ কয়েকজনের চিকিৎসকের কাছে ঘুরে ৭ মার্চ জানতে পারলেন, তাঁর মস্তিষ্কে টিউমার হয়েছে। চৈতী বললেন, এটা জানতে যদি আর দুই থেকে তিন দিন দেরি হতো, বড় সর্বনাশই হয়ে যেত মোশাররফের, ‘সিঙ্গাপুরে এসে বায়োপসি রিপোর্টে আমরা জেনেছি, ওর টিউমারটা ক্যানসার আকার ধারণ করেনি। তবে যে টিউমার ধরা পড়েছে, সেটি খুব দ্রুত ছড়াচ্ছিল। এটা এতটাই দ্রুত ছড়াচ্ছিল, ৭ মার্চ আমরা জানলাম, টিউমারটা লো গ্রেডে আছে। ১৯ মার্চ অস্ত্রোপচার হলো। ১২ দিনের মধ্যে টিউমারটা গ্রেড এক থেকে গ্রেড তিনে চলে গেছে। আরেকটু দেরি হলেই বড় সর্বনাশ হয়ে যেত! গ্রেড চার হলে তো ক্যানসারেই রূপ নিত। শুরুতে বুঝিনি। বায়োপসি রিপোর্ট দেখে জেনেছি। আমাদের সৌভাগ্য, ১২ দিনের মধ্যে অস্ত্রোপচার করাতে পেরেছি।’

অস্ত্রোপচার শেষে কাল দেশে ফিরলেও মোশাররফকে আবারও সিঙ্গাপুর যেতে হবে সপ্তাহ দুয়েকের মধ্যেই। টিউমারের জীবাণু নির্মূল করতে তাঁকে নিতে হবে রেডিও আর কেমোথেরাপি। থেরাপি না নিলে টিউমার আবার ফিরে আসার আশঙ্কা আছে। চৈতী বললেন, ‘অস্ত্রোপচার করে সরিয়ে ফেলা হয়েছে টিউমারটা। তবে যেটা বললাম, আগে যে টিউমারটা ছিল, ওটা খুব দ্রুত বাড়ছিল। রেডিওথেরাপি আর কেমোথেরাপির মধ্য দিয়ে যেতেই হবে। না হলে ওটা আবার ফিরে আসতে পারে। টিউমারটা এমনই, রেডিওথেরাপি-কেমোথেরাপি না দিলে ফিরে আসবে। আশা করি, ১৬ এপ্রিল থেকে আমরা থেরাপি শুরু করতে পারব। সিঙ্গাপুরেই করাব। যে রেডিওথেরাপিটা দেওয়া হবে, সেটা সিঙ্গাপুরের মাউন্ট এলিজাবেথেই আছে। কেমোথেরাপিটাও এখানে অনেক উন্নত। টানা দেড় মাস করতে হবে। সপ্তাহে পাঁচ দিন করে করতে হবে। এরপর তিন সপ্তাহ বিরতি দিয়ে আবার শুরু করতে হবে। এভাবে ছয় মাস চলবে। জীবাণু একেবারে ধ্বংস করে দিতে হবে। আশা করি, ছয় মাসে থেরাপি দিলে সেটি হয়ে যাবে।’
টিউমারের অস্ত্রোপচারেই প্রায় ৩৫ লাখ টাকা খরচ হয়ে গেছে মোশাররফের। অত্যাধুনিক ও অত্যন্ত ব্যয়বহুল থেরাপিতে লাগবে ৫০ থেকে ৬০ লাখ টাকা। মস্তিষ্কের টিউমারে আক্রান্ত, এ খবর শুনেই মোশাররফের পাশে দাঁড়িয়েছেন বিসিবিসহ সাবেক ও বর্তমান ক্রিকেটাররা। অস্ত্রোপচারের পর সিঙ্গাপুরে অর্থমন্ত্রী আ হ ম মুস্তফা কামাল দেখা করেছেন মোশাররফের সঙ্গে। বিসিবি সভাপতি নাজমুল হাসান, বিসিবির প্রধান নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা নিজামউদ্দীন চৌধুরী, বিসিবি পরিচালক ও সাবেক অধিনায়ক নাঈমুর রহমান থেকে শুরু করে মাশরাফি বিন মুর্তজা, সাকিব আল হাসান, তামিম ইকবাল—সবাই নিয়মিত খোঁজখবর নিচ্ছেন, নানাভাবে সহায়তা করছেন। এখনো আশঙ্কামুক্ত না হলেও সবার এ সমর্থন মোশাররফ ও তাঁর পরিবারকে আশাবাদী করছে।

মস্তিষ্কে টিউমার ধরা পড়েছে ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেনের।

মস্তিষ্কে টিউমার ধরা পড়েছে ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেনের। সফল অস্ত্রোপচারে টিউমার সরিয়ে ফেলা গেলেও এখনো তিনি আশঙ্কামুক্ত নন
কাল সিঙ্গাপুর থেকে ফেরার পথে স্ত্রী চৈতির সঙ্গে মোশাররফ। ছবি: সংগৃহীতমস্তিষ্কের টিউমারে আক্রান্ত ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেন রুবেল কাল দেশে ফিরেছেন। সিঙ্গাপুরের মাউন্ট এলিজাবেথ হাসপাতালে ১৯ মার্চ তাঁর মস্তিষ্কে সফল অস্ত্রোপচার হলেও এখনো তিনি আশঙ্কামুক্ত নন।

মোশাররফের পারিবারিক সূত্রে জানা গেছে, আপাতত মস্তিষ্কের টিউমার অপসারণ করায় এখন বেশ ভালো আছেন। তাঁর স্ত্রী চৈতী ফারহানা প্রথম আলোকে বললেন, ‘এখন অবস্থা বেশ ভালো। হাঁটাচলা করতে পারছে। কিন্তু কথা এখনো ঠিকঠাক বলতে পারছে না। একটু বেধে বেধে যাচ্ছে। সেলাই কাটা হয়েছে। তবে আশঙ্কামুক্ত কি না, এখনো বলার সময় হয়নি।’

চৈতীর কাছেই জানা গেল, আরেকটু হলেই বিরাট সর্বনাশ হয়ে যেত বাংলাদেশের হয়ে পাঁচ ওয়ানডে খেলা মোশাররফের। ১১২ প্রথম শ্রেণির ম্যাচ খেলা ৩৭ বছর বয়সী বাঁহাতি স্পিনার গত বিপিএল থেকে মস্তিষ্কে নানা ধরনের সমস্যা অনুভব করছিলেন। কিন্তু নিশ্চিত হতে পারছিলেন না, তাঁর আসলে কী হয়েছে। তিন-চার মাস বাংলাদেশের বেশ কয়েকজনের চিকিৎসকের কাছে ঘুরে ৭ মার্চ জানতে পারলেন, তাঁর মস্তিষ্কে টিউমার হয়েছে। চৈতী বললেন, এটা জানতে যদি আর দুই থেকে তিন দিন দেরি হতো, বড় সর্বনাশই হয়ে যেত মোশাররফের, ‘সিঙ্গাপুরে এসে বায়োপসি রিপোর্টে আমরা জেনেছি, ওর টিউমারটা ক্যানসার আকার ধারণ করেনি। তবে যে টিউমার ধরা পড়েছে, সেটি খুব দ্রুত ছড়াচ্ছিল। এটা এতটাই দ্রুত ছড়াচ্ছিল, ৭ মার্চ আমরা জানলাম, টিউমারটা লো গ্রেডে আছে। ১৯ মার্চ অস্ত্রোপচার হলো। ১২ দিনের মধ্যে টিউমারটা গ্রেড এক থেকে গ্রেড তিনে চলে গেছে। আরেকটু দেরি হলেই বড় সর্বনাশ হয়ে যেত! গ্রেড চার হলে তো ক্যানসারেই রূপ নিত। শুরুতে বুঝিনি। বায়োপসি রিপোর্ট দেখে জেনেছি। আমাদের সৌভাগ্য, ১২ দিনের মধ্যে অস্ত্রোপচার করাতে পেরেছি।’

অস্ত্রোপচার শেষে কাল দেশে ফিরলেও মোশাররফকে আবারও সিঙ্গাপুর যেতে হবে সপ্তাহ দুয়েকের মধ্যেই। টিউমারের জীবাণু নির্মূল করতে তাঁকে নিতে হবে রেডিও আর কেমোথেরাপি। থেরাপি না নিলে টিউমার আবার ফিরে আসার আশঙ্কা আছে। চৈতী বললেন, ‘অস্ত্রোপচার করে সরিয়ে ফেলা হয়েছে টিউমারটা। তবে যেটা বললাম, আগে যে টিউমারটা ছিল, ওটা খুব দ্রুত বাড়ছিল। রেডিওথেরাপি আর কেমোথেরাপির মধ্য দিয়ে যেতেই হবে। না হলে ওটা আবার ফিরে আসতে পারে। টিউমারটা এমনই, রেডিওথেরাপি-কেমোথেরাপি না দিলে ফিরে আসবে। আশা করি, ১৬ এপ্রিল থেকে আমরা থেরাপি শুরু করতে পারব। সিঙ্গাপুরেই করাব। যে রেডিওথেরাপিটা দেওয়া হবে, সেটা সিঙ্গাপুরের মাউন্ট এলিজাবেথেই আছে। কেমোথেরাপিটাও এখানে অনেক উন্নত। টানা দেড় মাস করতে হবে। সপ্তাহে পাঁচ দিন করে করতে হবে। এরপর তিন সপ্তাহ বিরতি দিয়ে আবার শুরু করতে হবে। এভাবে ছয় মাস চলবে। জীবাণু একেবারে ধ্বংস করে দিতে হবে। আশা করি, ছয় মাসে থেরাপি দিলে সেটি হয়ে যাবে।’
টিউমারের অস্ত্রোপচারেই প্রায় ৩৫ লাখ টাকা খরচ হয়ে গেছে মোশাররফের। অত্যাধুনিক ও অত্যন্ত ব্যয়বহুল থেরাপিতে লাগবে ৫০ থেকে ৬০ লাখ টাকা। মস্তিষ্কের টিউমারে আক্রান্ত, এ খবর শুনেই মোশাররফের পাশে দাঁড়িয়েছেন বিসিবিসহ সাবেক ও বর্তমান ক্রিকেটাররা। অস্ত্রোপচারের পর সিঙ্গাপুরে অর্থমন্ত্রী আ হ ম মুস্তফা কামাল দেখা করেছেন মোশাররফের সঙ্গে। বিসিবি সভাপতি নাজমুল হাসান, বিসিবির প্রধান নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা নিজামউদ্দীন চৌধুরী, বিসিবি পরিচালক ও সাবেক অধিনায়ক নাঈমুর রহমান থেকে শুরু করে মাশরাফি বিন মুর্তজা, সাকিব আল হাসান, তামিম ইকবাল—সবাই নিয়মিত খোঁজখবর নিচ্ছেন, নানাভাবে সহায়তা করছেন। এখনো আশঙ্কামুক্ত না হলেও সবার এ সমর্থন মোশাররফ ও তাঁর পরিবারকে আশাবাদী করছে।
মস্তিষ্কের টিউমারে আক্রান্ত ক্রিকেটার মোশাররফ হোসেন রুবেল কাল দেশে ফিরেছেন। সিঙ্গাপুরের মাউন্ট এলিজাবেথ হাসপাতালে ১৯ মার্চ তাঁর মস্তিষ্কে সফল অস্ত্রোপচার হলেও এখনো তিনি আশঙ্কামুক্ত নন।

মোশাররফের পারিবারিক সূত্রে জানা গেছে, আপাতত মস্তিষ্কের টিউমার অপসারণ করায় এখন বেশ ভালো আছেন। তাঁর স্ত্রী চৈতী ফারহানা প্রথম আলোকে বললেন, ‘এখন অবস্থা বেশ ভালো। হাঁটাচলা করতে পারছে। কিন্তু কথা এখনো ঠিকঠাক বলতে পারছে না। একটু বেধে বেধে যাচ্ছে। সেলাই কাটা হয়েছে। তবে আশঙ্কামুক্ত কি না, এখনো বলার সময় হয়নি।’

চৈতীর কাছেই জানা গেল, আরেকটু হলেই বিরাট সর্বনাশ হয়ে যেত বাংলাদেশের হয়ে পাঁচ ওয়ানডে

Steigenberger Hotel - Business Bay

Al Abraj Street (beside Blue Bay Tower), Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Steigenberger building - Business Bay offers accommodations in port. The building has an out of doors pool and views of the stream, and guests will fancy a drink at the bar.

Every area includes a flat-screen TV with satellite channels. sure units embrace a sitting space to relax in when a busy day. you may realize a occasional machine within the area.

 every area includes a personal toilet. For your comfort, Dubai, United Arab Emirates you may realize bathrobes and slippers.There is a hairdresser's at the property.

You can play pool and racquetball at this building, and self-drive is out there. The port Fountain is one metric linear unit from Steigenberger building - Business Bay, and Burj Khalifa is one.1 km away. the closest field is port field, 11.3 metric linear unit
Dubai, United Arab Emirates from Steigenberger building - Business Bay.This property is additionally rated for the most effective worth in Dubai! Guests have gotten a lot of for his or her cash compared to alternative properties during this town.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Grand Midwest Tower – Sheikh Zayed Road – Media City

Dubai Media City, Dubai Internet City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

This property could be a 16-minute walk from the beach. commanding Burj Al Arab and Palm Island, Grand Midwest|geographic area|geographical region|geographic region} Tower options associate degree expansive pool area with wide  views. It offers elegant restaurants, and spacious accommodation with 32-inch flat-screen TVs.

All suites and studios ar adorned with a mix of dark wood furnishings, leather seats and heat, orange materials. They embrace flat-screen TVs, totally equipped kitchens and fashionable loos with style glass or marble sinks. Some accommodations have a personal balcony commanding the ocean.Guests will keep slot in the spacious fitness centre, or unwind within the Finnish vapour bath, steam room, or outside bathing tub. Massage therapies ar out there upon request.

The continental eating place Zarita serves comprehensive dish buffets and grilled meat specialities. Al Nawaeer food court is open for lunch and offers a multi-cuisine menu.The Grand Middle West - Media town is steps from port Media town and web town, and is opposite a 24-hour market. well-liked areas like information Village, port docking facility, and Jumeirah Beach Walk also are near . it's solely thirty metric linear unit faraway from port International aerodrome.

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Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Beach

Jumeirah Beach Residence, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property is one minute walk from the beach. Mövenpick Jumeirah Beach could be a stylish and trendy 5-star building in Jumeirah Beach Residence with a range of eating and recreation facilities. It boasts an outside pool, health centre and a beach counter at the general public Jumeirah beach. Free WLAN is obtainable throughout the property.All rooms square measure embellished during a modern vogue and have a balcony with either a partial or full Arabian Gulf read.

Indulge in five eating venues and victory bars, expertise the flavours of Manhattan at the big apple Soul, a tasty buffet with daily ever-changing theme nights at the speak, or get pleasure from drinks in West Beach restaurant & Sports Lounge. reposeful at the pool bar or at Falls Lobby Lounge & Terrace is additionally associate choice.

Mövenpick Jumeirah Beach is inside a walking distance from many searching and diversion choices, in addition because the Beach Mall and also the tram station. Dubai dockage could be a 10-minute walk off whereas Dubai web town could be a 5-minute drive from the property. Mall of the Emirates and Ibn Battuta mall square measure a 10-minute dispel. Free non-public parking is feasible on website. Dubai International flying field is half-hour by automotive.Jumeirah Beach Residence could be a nice selection for travelers curious about beaches, relaxation and food.

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The Meydan Hotel-

The Meydan Hotel, Meydan Racecourse, Nad Al Sheba, P.O. Box 9305, 9305 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The world’s 1st 5-star hotel trackside building designed within the form of a wave in motion with a glowing inexperienced glass facade, The Meydan offers luxurious rooms, and suites every as well as a non-public balcony commanding the Meydan racetrack. It conjointly options Associate in Nursing eternity upper side pool and a spa.The rooms at the Meydan square measure elegantly designed and adorned with heat colors. They embrace fashionable comforts like free wireless fidelity and flat-screen TVs. Some rooms have a kitchen and a area.

Guests will get pleasure from several gourmand feeding choices at the Meydan, as well as Prime restaurant, Farriers International all-day-dining eating house and Shiba, that serves Authentic Chinese and Japanese cuisines. Meal may also be served on the out of doors terrace, that overlooks the races.The Meydan’s progressive athletic facility options vas instrumentation and free weights. once a piece out, guests will get pleasure from a full-body massage by one in every of the hotel’s specialists. lawn tennis and different out of doors activities square measure all on the market at the property.

The Meydan is simply a 10-minute drive from the port Mall, the port International Convention Center and a 20-minute drive from the port International flying field. Free daily shuttle to The port Mall, Mall of the Emirates, and Jumeirah open Beach in port docking facility. Free personal parking is accessible.This property is additionally rated for the most effective worth in Dubai! Guests are becoming a lot of for his or her cash compared to different properties during this town.

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Gloria Hotel

Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai Internet City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property may be a 17-minute walk from the beach. Gloria building is placed in Media town on tribal sheik Zayed Road and offers an outside pool and free wireless local area network. The Beach Mall at Jumeirah Beach Residence is ten minutes' chase away. Wild gully Waterpark is six kilometre from the property.Gloria Hotel's spacious flats embody elegant furnishings and a separate lounge space with flat-screen TV. each accommodation includes a balcony with bird's-eye views of      urbancenter and Palm Jumeirah.

Guests of the Gloria will relax within the twenty five m out of doors pool and bathtub, or exercise at the well-equipped fitness centre and squash courts. A separate children's pool and activity space square measure on web site. Free valet parking is additionally offered.Gloria building flats offers fast snacks at lupus Grand Café or South-East Asian delicacies at Noodle House eating house. International cooking is accessible at the all-day feeding eating house La Terrace.

The building may be a 5-minute drive from the Emirates Golf Club, and ten minutes by automobile from the urban center dockage Mall and Mall of the Emirates. The building is adjacent to urban center net town subway Station.This property is additionally rated for the simplest worth in Dubai! Guests have gotten a lot of for his or her cash when put next to different properties during this town.

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Rose Rayhaan by Rotana - Dubai

Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Center Area, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Housed within the world’s second tallest building, the Rose Rayhaan by Rotana has convenient accommodations encircled by many restaurants and cafes. money Centre underground Station may be a 2-minute walk from the property.Rose Rayhaan may be a 336 m tall, 72-story building with a spread of recent, spacious rooms and suites that embrace LCD TVs and have beautiful town views.

Rose Rayhaan’s pool is on the fourth floor of the building. different facilities embrace a bath, massage rooms, vapor bath and steam rooms.The largest store within the world, Dubai Mall, is simply below one.6 klick from this alcohol-free building. metropolis Exhibition Centre, the Mall of the Emirates and also the Burjuman mall are among a ten minute drive from the property.The building contains a shuttle service to metropolis International money Centre and Jumeirah Beach Park.

Trade Center space may be a nice alternative for travelers fascinated by garments looking, luxury whole looking and food.This property conjointly has one amongst the top-rated locations in Dubai! Guests ar happier regarding it compared to different properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the simplest price in Dubai! Guests are becoming a lot of for his or her cash when put next to different properties during this town.

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Novotel World Trade Centre Dubai

Al Saada Street, Trade Center Area, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This 4-star edifice is within the heart of Dubai close to ruler Zayed Road, connected to the Dubai International Convention Centre. It options an outsized out of doors pool and free personal parking.The spacious, fashionable rooms embody a flat-screen satellite TV, tea/coffee facilities and personal toilet with free toiletries.

International culinary art is served in Entre Nous edifice, and space service is accessible. Snacks area unit on supply at Café Cream and Chill’s Pool bar. Jazz music is vie in Blue Bar.There is a business centre, 24-hour reception and a caretaker service which may organize automotive rent and tours. DIFC and ruler Zayed Road area unit five minutes by automotive, and Dubai Mall is ten minutes’ run off. Free shuttle service to major malls and therefore the beach is additionally offered.

Bur Dubai and Deira area unit each but fifteen minutes’ drive from the Novotel. World Trade Centre railway Station one is a smaller amount than a 5-minute go forth.Trade Center space could be a nice alternative for travelers inquisitive about garments looking, luxury complete looking and food.This property is additionally rated for the simplest price in Dubai! Guests are becoming additional for his or her cash compared to different properties during this town.

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City Premiere Hotel Apartments

Sheikh Zayed Road, Beside Business Bay Metro Station, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Overlooking Burj Khalifa, town Premiere edifice residences may be a forty three story tower settled on the tribal sheikh Zayed road. The edifice is near the port Exhibition Centre, money District and World Trade Centre. Business Bay tube station is barely 2-minute leave and Burj Khalifa whereas port Mall may be a 5-minute drive from the edifice. an out of doors athletic facility and free square measurea network|WLAN|wireless fidelity|WiFi|local area network|LAN} are offered further as a twenty four time unit reception.

Mall of the Emirates, Burjuman Mall and Ibn Battuta Mall square measure 15-30 minutes drive from the edifice. port dock is seventeen kilometer, Al Maktoum flying field is forty six kilometer, port terminal one, a pair of & three is simply twenty four kilometer from the edifice. Free non-public valet parking is out there.This is our guests' favorite a part of port, in keeping with freelance reviews.This property is very rated permanently value! Guests say you get a lot of for your cash here than at different properties in port.
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Crowne Plaza Dubai

 Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Crowne Plaza Dubai has a wonderful location on ruler Zayed Road, right across from the Dubai International Convention Center. beside free WLAN, it offers an outside pool, athletic facility and thirteen victory restaurants. one Complimentary valet parking per day is on the market.The spacious guest rooms at Dubai’s Crowne Plaza have satellite TV and polished picket floors. The linear unit suite loos area unit all equipped with bathtubs.

Guests will relish a spread of feeding choices from thirteen restaurants starting from dish at Sakura to a menu du jour at Oscar's vascular plant Society. ancient mezze at Al Tannour to a Brazilian churrascaria at Chamas.The edifice additionally has quick access to major Dubai attractions like the Mall of the Emirates, Ski Dubai, the Kite Beach, Burj Al Arab, and Burj Khalifa.

The Burj Khalifa and Dubai Mall area unit five minutes’ chase away. The edifice is twenty minutes from Dubai International flying field and walking distance from the Emirates Towers railway system Station and Dubai International Finance Center.Trade Centre could be a nice selection for travellers curious about buying garments, luxury complete looking and food.This space is additionally nice for looking, with standard brands nearby: navigator.

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Hyatt Regency Dubai - Heritage Area

Deira, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Hyatt Regency city is found within the heritage district, among a 5-minute walk from the popular gold, spice and textile souks. This luxury building offers a revolving eating place, a personal skating building and free wireless local area network.

In the luxurious guest rooms, elegant furnishings and scenic views area unit commonplace. A seating is featured in some rooms wherever guests will relax with a drink from the buffet whereas observation television system.Hyatt Regency’s Club mountain peak Spa and Fitness contains a fashionable athletic facility and lawn tennis courts. we have a tendency to conjointly offer spa services with a good vary of reposeful massages.

There area unit three restaurants within the building, together with Al Dawar, Hyatt Regency Dubai's revolving eating place. The Bar contains a massive choice of beverages and Hibiki options vocalizing.Hyatt Regency- Heritage space is eight kilometer from city International flying field. Palm Deira tube Station a pair of may be reached in seven minutes by feet or in a very couple of minutes by complimentary shuttle service (based on availability).

This property is extremely rated permanently value! Guests say you get additional for your cash here than at alternative properties in city.

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Warwick Dubai

Sheikh Zayed Road/DIFC,Trade Centre, 7143 Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Located on tribal sheik Zayed Road, solon Dubai is near the Dubai International money Centre and Downtown Dubai. It offers an outside pool, a fitness centre and six on-site  restaurants and bars.All the rooms and suites boast sleek décor and chic article of furniture. every area offers a town or a downtown read, a flat-screen TV and a sideboard. the lavatory is fitted with a shower and a shower.
Guests could also be treated to a full vary of beauty services and massages, reposeful within the vapour bath or vapour bath, or time inside one in every of six suites indulgence in an in depth vary of body and wonder treatments at Kirana Spa.
Burj Khalifa and also the painting Dubai Mall ar ten minutes by automotive from solon Dubai. Associate in Nursing landing field shuttle is offered at an additional fee to Dubai International landing field that could be a 20-minute drive off.Trade Centre could be a nice alternative for travellers curious about buying garments, luxury whole searching and food.

This property conjointly has one in every of the best-rated locations in Dubai! Guests ar happier concerning it compared to alternative properties within the space.This property is very rated permanently value! Guests say you get a lot of for your cash here than at alternative properties in Dubai.
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Al Ghurair Rayhaan by Rotana

Omar Bin Al Khattab Street,next to Al Ghurair Centre P.O, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Whether you’re a traveler or traveling on business, Al Ghurair Rayhaan by Rotana could be a nice alternative once staying in urban center. connected to Al Ghurair Centre, a prime looking destination and residential to a large vary of restaurants that includes multi cultural cuisines, this five star building is that the excellent place to relish a number of the city’s attractions such USA the Gold market square, Spice Souk , urban center Heritage Village and urban center Creek.

Nestled within the heart of urban center, it's well connected to any or all the city’s business and prime traveler destinations through the urban center railway rail network. it's a walking distance from the Union railway station (central hub to any or all railway stations). it's four railway stations faraway from the urban center International terminal one, three railway stations faraway from urban center World Trade Centre, and three railway stations from the care town.

One of the biggest complicated in urban center, it offers 428 luxurious rooms and suites, furthermore because the Club Rotana Lounge on the eighteenth floor that provides associate array of further edges to club guests. The progressive conference and feeding services give a fine venue for conferences, events and celebrations.

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Hawthorn Hotel & Suites by Wyndham JBR

Jumeirah Beach Residence, Jumeirah Beach Residence, P O Box 120253 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Located between Jumeirah Beach Residence ,The Walk and Dubai docking facility, bush Suite occupies a main location on the most strip with a spread of family diversion activities and a spectacular read of the Arabian Gulf.
Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham provides spacious rooms with cosmopolitan style, cool accommodation with a satellite semiconductor diode TV and in-room coffee-making facilities. every well-stocked toilet has robes and slippers.
A wide form of international dishes area unit on the market at our All Day feeding edifice Flavors. Breakfast is served each morning. space service is offered twenty four hours.
Dubai docking facility Mall is simply a 5-minute drive from the building. Dubai International airdrome is half-hour by automotive. Free non-public parking is feasible on web site.Jumeirah Beach Residence may be a nice selection for travellers fascinated by beaches, relaxation and food.This property conjointly has one in all the best-rated locations in Dubai! Guests area unit happier regarding it compared to alternative properties within the space.
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Travellers Towers Rotana - Dubai

Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Towers Rotana may be a 4-star luxury edifice on Dubai’s distinguished sheik Zayed Road, placed adjacent to the Burj Khalifa (the tallest building within the world) and ten minutes faraway from port Mall, port International Finance Centre and Jumeirah Beach. The edifice is found directly opposite monetary Centre subway Station. Towers Rotana options an outside pool with sun terrace and a progressive fitness centre.
The guest rooms at Towers Rotana port ar embellished with fashionable design and equipped with air-conditioning and television system. the posh linear unit suite loos have twin vanities and luxury amenities.Towers Rotana port is twelve kilometer from port International airdrome. Free on-the-scene automotive parking is out there. Daily native newspapers are provided.
Trade Centre may be a nice selection for travellers fascinated by buying garments, luxury whole looking and food.This property conjointly has one amongst the best-rated locations in Dubai! Guests ar happier concerning it compared to different properties within the space.This property is extremely rated permanently value! Guests say you get additional for your cash here than at different properties in port.
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Millennium Plaza Hotel

Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Located on swayer Zayed Road in Dubai’s monetary district, Millennium Plaza edifice offers fashionable, spacious rooms and an outside pool. Emirates Towers subway Station is simply ahead of the property and offers quick access to several places of interest.

The cool rooms at Millennium Plaza have a elbow room with a flat-screen TV and a cellaret. Some provide views of metropolis. All have a spacious rest room with a separate shower and tub. Soft beige tones, and enormous windows area unit a part of the intense décor.Dubai World Trade Centre may be a 15-minute walk from the Millennium Plaza edifice. The metropolis Mall is simply a 5-minute drive from Millennium Plaza edifice. A shuttle may be organized for the asking.

Trade Centre may be a nice selection for travellers curious about buying garments, luxury complete searching and food.This space is additionally nice for searching, with common brands nearby: Jacques Cartier.This property conjointly has one in all the best-rated locations in Dubai! Guests area unit happier concerning it compared to alternative properties within the space.This property is extremely rated permanently value! Guests say you get additional for your cash here than at alternative properties in metropolis.

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Dusit Thani Dubai

133, Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dusit Thani urban center is found on swayer Zayed Road, within the heart of Dubai’s money district. the globe Trade Centre and therefore the International Convention Centre square measure among simple reach.The guest rooms square measure adorned in a very modern Thai vogue, complemented by fashionable bogs. the luxurious amenities embody toiletries. The rooms on the higher floors supply broad views over urban center.

Combining a hi-tech glass tower with ancient Thai décor, this luxury building boasts free wireless local area network and a top side pool. It offers a alternative of seven food and potable shops.Benjarong, Dusit Thani’s signature building serves authentic Thai cooking in a very ancient setting. there's AN Italian building , Jones the grocery store a up to date gourmand, Nihon Bottle Company and a poolside bar.

Leisure facilities at Dusit Thani embody a completely equipped gymnasium with a read and a bathtub. Guests will browse the in-house outlets or let the employees of the wonder salon treat them. A free shuttle service is obtainable to the urban center International money Centre, the urban center Mall, Jumeirah Beach Park and alternative key hand-picked areas.Trade Center space could be a nice alternative for travelers fascinated by garments searching, luxury complete searching and food.

This property conjointly has one among the top-rated locations in Dubai! Guests square measure happier regarding it compared to alternative properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the simplest price in Dubai! Guests have gotten additional for his or her cash in comparison to alternative properties during this town.

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Ramada Jumeirah Hotel

Al Mina Road, Jumeirah, Bur Dubai, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property may be a 11-minute walk from the beach. fashionable and stylish, Ramada Jumeirah building options a top pool with sun loungers and gorgeous views of the town. Facilities vary from a standard Scottish tap house to a club with resident DJ. Al Ghazal Mall is three minutes' go away. The property is simply minutes off from metropolis's new gorgeous Dubai Etihad depository.

Guests can get pleasure from the attentive workers services and therefore the free shuttle to Dubai’s searching malls and Jumeirah Beach. The on-the-spot spa provides body and facial treatments, whereas the gymnasium is supplied with the most recent technologies.Rooms square measure fitted with mahogany furnishings and show a recent décor. the fashionable layout is complemented by 40” flat-screen TVs with satellite channels, associate degree iPod tying up station and tea/coffee manufacturers.

Drenched with natural daylight, the in-house Atrium Café offers drinks during a relaxed atmosphere. The Ramada Jumeirah building additionally offers a Mediterranean associate degreed an Asian eating place still as a pool bar.This property is additionally rated for the simplest price in Dubai! Guests have gotten a lot of for his or her cash in comparison to different properties during this town.

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JA Ocean View Hotel

Jumeirah Beach Residence, The Walk JBR, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property may be a 6-minute walk from the beach. settled a 10-minute walk from dockage Walk’s promenade, Ocean read building is ready on The Walk at the celebrated Jumeirah Beach Residence space. It boasts an out of doors pool and offers accommodation with scenic ocean views. Guests will get pleasure from free WiFi throughout the property.

All accommodation at JA Ocean read building options a contemporary décor. every space and suite comes with a balcony, a flat-screen TV and a personal toilet.Enjoy tea, low and lightweight snacks at Italian Café Via, or savour a French eating house vogue at lupus Rivage. The poolside café, The Deck, overlooks the ocean and serves cocktails and lightweight snacks. Guests staying at club rooms and suites will access Coral Lounge.

After a effort at the gymnasium, you'll take a dip within the outside pool or get pleasure from a vapor bath. The spa provides a massage for an extra charge.The hotel’s tour table will prepare native excursions. port dockage Mall is ten minutes’ drive from Ocean read building, and port International airdrome is forty minutes away by automobile. Free valet parking is feasible.Jumeirah Beach Residence may be a nice selection for travelers fascinated by beaches, relaxation and food.

This property conjointly has one among the top-rated locations in Dubai! Guests ar happier regarding it compared to alternative properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the simplest worth in Dubai! Guests have gotten a lot of for his or her cash compared to alternative properties during this town.

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Emirates Grand Hotel

Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Conveniently set at intervals a 5-minute walking distance from monetary Centre underground Station, the 47-story Emirates Grand edifice provides an outside pool and free Wi-Fi. port International aerodrome is quarter-hour away by automobile.The modern accommodations of Emirates Grand edifice is tastily embellished during a Mediterranean vogue. Air-conditioning is on the market, still as a flat-screen TV, a front room and a table. The kitchen is fitted with a microwave and a white goods.

Guests have access to the absolutely equipped fitness center and therefore the court. A spa center which incorporates a steam room, a bathing tub and a vapor bath is additionally obtainable. The Emirates Grand Spa offers a good vary of body treatments and facials.On the forty third floor, Panorama eating house offers uninterrupted views of the Arabian Sea and a varied international menu. Authentic Levantine delicacies will be savored at Tal Al Amar Lebanese eating house. hubble-bubble is on the market at the top lounge.

Dubai International Convention Centre will be reached in five minutes by taxi. docking facility Walk is twenty four.1 klick from Emirates Grand edifice. The port Mall and Burj Khalifa square measure a 10-minute run off.Trade Center space may be a nice selection for travelers curious about garments looking, luxury whole looking and food.

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City Premiere Marina Hotel Apartments

Dubai Marina, Near Marina Metro Station, Dubai Marina, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property could be a 6-minute walk from the beach. town Premiere dockage edifice residences is found in dockage and offers self-catering accommodation. Free WiFi access is accessible. dockage Mall is inside a 5-minute go away.Apartments at town Premiere dockage edifice residences feature a TV, air-con and a balcony. there's a full room with a microwave. the lavatory is fitted with a shower or shower. you'll be able to fancy ocean read and lake read from the space.

At town Premiere dockage edifice residences you'll realize a fitness centre. The property offers free parking.Guests have easy accessibility to town victimization the urban center net town Station that is four kilometre removed from town Premiere. urban center International landing field is found twenty nine kilometre from the accommodation.

Dubai dockage could be a nice selection for travelers curious about beaches, relaxation and food.This property additionally has one amongst the top-rated locations in Dubai! Guests ar happier regarding it compared to different properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the most effective worth in Dubai! Guests have gotten a lot of for his or her cash compared to different properties during this town.

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Majestic Hotel Tower

Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The beautiful Majestic building Tower could be a centrally set 4-star building with views of the city skyline. It options free Wi-Fi all told areas, an outside pool and a sun terrace. Al Fahidi railroad Station is at intervals a brief walking distance.All guest rooms at the Majestic Tower building square measure stylishly fitted out and equipped with luxury loos and television system. each space contains a work table and net association.

The building options a complete of seven restaurants and bars. Lamb serves Greek specialties and Tirquaz Garden Lounge by the pool that provides Arabic delicacies and sheesha. there's a music space with live music band, and also the Lavazza Café.Leisure facilities at building Majestic Tower embody a business establishment with vapour bath and vapour bath, and a massage treatment zone for women. Beach lovers can appreciate the hotels complimentary shuttle service to Dubai's sandy shores.

The Majestic building Tower could be a short drive from the notable city Mall, Burjuman Mall and open-air marketplace Al Bahar. The International airdrome is simply eight kilometer away.This property is additionally rated for the most effective price in Dubai! Guests have gotten additional for his or her cash in comparison to different properties during this town.

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Jumeirah Creekside Hotel

Al Garhoud, Garhoud, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Overlooking port Creek, Jumeirah Creekside building boasts luxurious, trendy accommodations. The property supply unlimited Wild gully Waterpark™ access and personal beach access to Jumeirah Zabeel Zaray once per keep. It options two out of doors pools, five foremost restaurants, a gymnasium and a spa. Guests receive complimentary wireless fidelity altogether areas of the property.All suites and rooms embrace complimentary unlimited access to Wild gully Waterpark™ throughout the keep. non-public beach access is out there once per person per keep. every area includes a flat-screen TV, a table and a complimentary counter with soft drinks. there's a daily self-propelled vehicle service giving a free choice of amenities.

The hotel’s restaurants supply a good vary of international delights. From its Latin-inspired top bar & lounge, at Cu-ba and also the International rover eating house.Guests will unwind at Akaru Spa with fourteen treatment rooms or exercise at the progressive gymnasium with four court game courts and 2 squash courts. simply a ten minutes’ dispel, port Creek Golf options associate degree 18-hole course.

Jumeirah Creekside building could be a 5-minute drive from Deira eye and port International landing field. the normal Gold Souq is quarter-hour away by automobile. The property provides complimentary shuttle service to Wild gully Waterpark™ and Jumeirah Zabeel Saray. Free non-public parking is feasible on web site.Garhoud could be a nice selection for travelers fascinated by rubber-necking, searching and luxury whole searching.This property is additionally rated for the simplest worth in Dubai! Guests are becoming a lot of for his or her cash when put next to different properties during this town.

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Amwaj Suites Jumeirah Beach Residence

Jumeirah Beach Residence, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property could be a 12-minute walk from the beach. placed in metropolis, Amwaj Suites Jumeirah Beach Residence offers an out of doors pool and a fitness centre. This self-catering accommodation options free wireless fidelity. The property is one klick from metropolis dockage and three klick from The Montgomery, Dubai.

All unites feature a flat-screen TV. there's a full room with a dishwasher and a microwave. The personal bogs square measure fitted with a shower, a shower and a hairdryer. Some rooms embrace a balcony.Guests will relish Amwaj Suites garden or make the most of the grocery delivery service.Dubai International flying field is found thirty klick from the property. associate flying field shuttle is out there upon request.Jumeirah Beach Residence could be a nice alternative for travelers curious about beaches, relaxation and food.This property additionally has one in all the top-rated locations in Dubai!

Guests square measure happier concerning it compared to alternative properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the most effective price in Dubai! Guests have gotten a lot of for his or her cash in comparison to alternative properties during this town.

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Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach

Bahar 7, Marsa, The Walk, Jumeirah, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This property is a pair of minutes walk from the beach. Ideally placed between Jumeirah Beach Residence's The Walk and port dock, Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach building offers trendy accommodation with views of the plaza. it's a athletic facility, an out of doors pool and complimentary wireless local area network is on the market within the rooms. The building may be a walking distance to a 24-hour grocery store with delivery facility.The luxurious accommodations at this building offers massive floor-to-ceiling windows. every suite options an oversized front room with a area and a flat-screen TV. The room includes kitchen utensil, a microwave ANd an kitchen appliance.

Fogueira building & Lounge serves a variety of fifteen totally different cuts of meats and options a kalian lounge with beautiful views of Palm Jumeirah and port dock. triumph saloon Bar & building offers snack ANd an assortment of beverages.Ramada Plaza Jumeirah Beach building may be a 10-minute drive from Mall Of The Emirates. port International flying field may be a 30-minute drive out.Jumeirah Beach Residence may be a nice alternative for travelers curious about beaches, relaxation and food.

This property additionally has one in every of the top-rated locations in Dubai! Guests area unit happier concerning it compared to different properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the simplest price in Dubai! Guests have gotten additional for his or her cash in comparison to different properties during this town.

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Roda Al Murooj Hotel

Financial Street, Off Sheikh Zayed Road Opp. Dubai Mall / Burj Khalifa, Downtown Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

Five-star Roda Al Murooj edifice is settled across from metropolis Mall and therefore the illustrious Burj Khalifa. It options a lush garden with an outsized natatorium and free LAN publically areas. metropolis World Trade Centre could be a 10-minute displace.The luxurious accommodations supply views of the town or the luxurious curtilage gardens. every one feature flat-screen TV, a sitting space and a operating table, counter and tea/coffee facilities. the lavatory includes a hairdryer and complimentary toiletries.

The hotel’s feeding choices embrace the triumph Double Decker tavern and Pergolas the all-day- feeding edifice serving international dishes similarly as Circle & Ojos Café. twenty four hour in-room feeding is additionally accessible.Flow business establishment & upbeat Centre incorporates a absolutely equipped gymnasium, sauna, and a tub. Massage treatments will be set-aside at a surcharge. The advanced additionally advantages from Associate in Nursing on-the-scene shop, attention services, vapor bath and court game courts.

Roda Al Murooj edifice could be a 40-minute drive from Al Maktoum International airfield. The edifice could be a 10-minute walk from metropolis Mall, Kidzania and therefore the metropolis fish tank & Underwater facility. metropolis International airfield is twenty minutes by automobile.Downtown metropolis could be a nice alternative for travelers inquisitive about garments looking, food and luxury complete looking.

This property additionally has one among the top-rated locations in Dubai! Guests square measure happier concerning it compared to alternative properties within the space.This property is additionally rated for the simplest worth in Dubai! Guests have gotten additional for his or her cash when put next to alternative properties during this town.

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